Please see

To summarize: I am proposing the following:

- To codify / make official the de-facto parking_space=disabled
- To allow mapping motorcycle parking as part of a unified parking lot, by introducing parking_space=motorcycle and capacity:motorcycle
- To add the additional parking space types 'compact' and 'takeaway'

See for an example of parking_space=motorcycle being used in anger. See also (open in an editor and check the Mapbox imagery) for another, even better example of where splitting what most people would almost surely call a single lot into separate amenity=parking and amenity=motorcycle_parking would be silly. The same lot also has an example of a space that is obviously compact-cars-only (by virtue of being not quite 15' long, vs. a more typical 18'+).

See for an example of takeaway parking.

Question: should we also overload parking_space=takeaway for "parking" spaces reserved for curbside pickup? Should we also add a different type for those? Or should we simply not map those, or map them in some manner totally different from how parking spaces are mapped?


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