On 07/08/2020 09.06, Paul Allen wrote:
On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 at 13:53, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Well, yes, voting "no" is probably not useful, but this is also the
least "interesting" bit of the proposal. The purpose here would be just
to bless the tag with "status=approved" rather than "status=de-facto".

But it wasn't approved by a formal vote.  If you mark it status=approved
then it ought to be possible to find the vote that approved it.


"The purpose [of including parking_space=disabled as an element of the proposal] would be [so that, if the proposal passes, we can] bless the tag with 'status=approved' rather than 'status=de-facto'."

Was some part of that unclear?

The proposal under discussion in this thread *would be* the aforementioned approval vote.


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