Aug 19, 2020, 10:46 by

> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 11:29:50PM +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
>> I think you misunderstand hyphenated addresses in Queens. The second
>> part of the hyphenation is not a flat/apartment number. As an example,
>> the Dunkin Donuts at the corner of 31st St and 36th Ave has an address
>> of 31-02 36th Ave, with no apartment number. The US Postal Service
>> considers this to be equivalent to 3102 36th Ave, and will deliver mail
>> to the same place regardless of whether you include the hyphen, though
>> the address written on the entrance is hyphenated. Most building numbers
>> in Queens have a hyphen before the last two digits. 
>> Thanks for the explanation.. It is indeed a while ago since I was there.
>> Any idea how this is structured in IT systems? Is "house number"
>> alphanumeric? Are the two parts stored separately? Or is it simply a
>> question of formatting, inserting a "-" before the final two digits? 
>> Maybe we should use a different character to indicate a range, such as a
>> slash?
> No matter what character you suggest, there will be some place in the world
> where that is a valid addition to a house number.
> Lets be honest, the main reason why we keep discussing how to get a range into
> the addr:housenumber tag is good old tagging for the renderer:
> addr:housenumber gets rendered on the map, a different tag doesn't. I've
> even had people arguing that they must use housenumber ranges because single
> housenumbers do not fit the map[1]. This is a slippery slope to go down.
> It makes the tag less and less useful for uses beyond rendering.
> [1]
> I'm strongly in favour of coming up with a new tag for ranges on 
> building/nodes.
> I'd be happy to quickly add such a tag to be searchable and I'm sure it would 
> also be
> fairly simple to convince the carto people to add support for an additional 
> tagging
> schema here.
> Martin's suggestion of addr:housenumber:start/addr:housenumber:end wasn't 
> half way bad.
> Something like addr:housenumber_range=<from>-<to> with an explicit definition 
> of the
> hyphen as separator would work as well but add the restriction that you can't 
> have
> hyphened housenumbers in interpolation ranges (probably rare enough to be 
> okay).
And it may be useful to have tag to mark "yes this is actually a single 
housenumber despite
that includes hyphen or something else that suggests range"  

> We'd also need a new tag to indicate the interpolation steps odd/even/all. 
> It's not really
> a good idea to reuse addr:interpolation because on a building outline it 
> becomes ambigious:
> you'd have to check for the presence of other tags to figure out if the way 
> denotes an
> interpolation line or an address range on a building.
> Sarah
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