water_tap=yes/no already exist and I see no value to change
from water_tap=* to tap=*

I cannot find water_tap=* on the wiki, anyway taginfo shows 166 elements tagged as water_tap=* and 470 tagged as tap=*.

I also find that you spread yourself too thinly by talking about
ideas that you could do (but which are not done in this RFC)
I'm asking for comments about those ideas; I'm not proposing to change them without previously discussing about it.

If I make a proposal it will be solely on the changes I listed in the Proposed summary section.

I would tend to think of one or 2 simple proposals :
Yes, I could split this into different proposals. I think that starting with tap=* will be the easiest.

Then I could make one to describe the style of the fountains and another one to add the generic values decorative and utility.

for=drinking/bottle/dog/... to describe how it can be used
I'm quite unsure about this idea... a fountain that spouts water downwards can be used to fill bottles, to drink and to let dogs (and other animals?) drink.

at least, a namespace isn't needed (as we don't use shop:name on a shop=* nor shop:opening_hours on a shop=*)
Would simply style work?

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