Am Fr., 14. Okt. 2022 um 12:10 Uhr schrieb Davidoskky via Tagging <>:

> This other fountain doesn't have such wall, thus it is not decorative
> and it cannot be tagged as amenity=fountain (assuming we disregard the
> recreational utility mentioned in the wiki).

this other fountain happens to be decorated as well. Let's ignore this for
a moment, and assume it wasn't. It could still be a decorative fountain, if
it can be seen as street decor. Setting up a fountain requires some effort,
so there will usually be a purpose, even if it isn't necessary now as it
was when it was constructed. I would generally see amenity=fountain
applicable for any fountain that is not only a drinking fountain and that
is not set up as a watering place for animals only.

> The shape and use of these two fountains looks the same to me.
> Why would you tag them as different features?

I wouldn't

> I'm not necessarily saying they need to be tagged as amenity=fountain,
> but I would expect their main tagging to be the same and maybe differ in
> some secondary parameter.

maybe, if you come up with an idea about these secondary parameters, we can
discuss them.

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