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> On 13 Oct 2022, at 18:25, Davidoskky via Tagging <> 
> wrote:
> It is an old fountain, maybe 100/200 years old, but I don't see how that 
> could be defined as historic since it has no historic importance, it's just 
> an old fountain.

maybe I am using the word historic incorrectly or it has several meanings, 
there is no requirement for “historic importance” in the meaning I intended. If 
you prefer the word “old”, I can live with this, although old could apply to 
things that are much younger than those where historic applies. Something from 
a few years ago could be old, not likely historic (maybe in the computer 

> I don't think it is decorative, it's a fountain in a small village which was 
> probably used to refresh people, get water for cleaning and watering plants.

It seems we are seeing different things, I can’t help if you cannot recognize 
that the fountain is clearly decorated. It is not just an utility, the wall is 
a part, isn’t it?

Cheers Martin 
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