it is a historic fountain that IMHO clearly is decorative

In my opinion the fountain is neither historic nor decorative.

It is an old fountain, maybe 100/200 years old, but I don't see how that could be defined as historic since it has no historic importance, it's just an old fountain.

I don't think it is decorative, it's a fountain in a small village which was probably used to refresh people, get water for cleaning and watering plants. Probably houses around didn't have running water until recently and this is what they used.

Probably the division between decorative and utility fountains is futile since it can be interpreted in many different ways. We might simply fall back to amenity=fountain when no better definition is available. The general understanding, as far as I understood by reading your replies, is that amenity=fountain refers only to decorative fountains. However, the wiki clearly states that amenity=fountain refers to any fountain that has some kind of "recreational" utility.

A fountain with cultural, decorational or historical significance or which serves a *recreational* purpose.
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