On 14.04.2023 10:13, Volker Schmidt wrote:
Ownership is not relevant if you think in terms of fixmystreet..
Just two extreme examples.

  * The Italian Motorway network is owned by the Italian via a
    state-majority public company, and operated by several different
    private or state-owned companies that to all effects own specific
    parts of the network. They take the road toll and do all the
  * I lived for a couple of years in city (in the US) The street was
    property of the city, the drainage system was theirs, but I had to
    clean the street in front of the house up to the middle from the
    leaves falling from the trees that the city had planted. If the
    drainage does not work, who is the operator or owner?

LIke I summarised earlier, it seems the most important information to capture is ownership=*. Owner can be derived from ownership geograhically almost all of the time, and if not, can be captured separately in owner=* as needed. If and when the relevant operator is different from the owner, operator=* can captured.

Per your example, as a citizen of said US city, if I had a complaint about drainage malfunctions, wouldn't I be expected to contact the city? I would think the reasonable approach was to contact the city, and the city would in turn contact you if they determine that the cause and responsibilites justify it.

We have the same thing in Norway. Property owners in the city are required by local law to clear snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property. Property owners in the suburbs are not. As a member of the public who had a complaint about a slippery sidewalk, I would contact the city, and the city would need to delegate when appropriate.

So for Fixmystreet, ownership (and owner derived from that) seems to be very relevant.


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