On 16/5/23 08:22, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
During discussions on one of the proposals that finished up as emergency=water_rescue (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal_talk:Emergency%3Dlifeboat_station#Use_on_Rescue-related_sites), there was suggestion of office=government + government=transportation + emergency=control_centre for those establishments which control emergency operations, rather than house emergency workers e.g.https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/267835828

Don't 'like' the 'transportation' as there is no transportation function at these offices.



There is already an emergency key .. overloaded with values


I suppose a few more would not be out of the question?

emergency=control_centre/administration ???

I have thought about documenting a proposal for that but haven't got to it

Too many things on the ' to do' list. Me too.


On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 22:00, Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:

    > The places (stations etc) where the emergency response come from
    > not be an 'office'; "An office is a place of business where
    > administrative or professional work is carried out. " e.g. lawyers,
    > accountants, records,

    In the US we have the concept of "Emergency Management Agency"
    which is
    at least partly not something like firefighters/ambulance/police. 
    exist at federal, state, county and local levels.  They more or
    less does
    three things:

      planning and training for future emergencies.  Creation of "Local
      Emergency Plan" documents.  Coordinating that lots of people have
      taken a dizzying array of classes.  Perhaps hosting classes.

      operating an Emergency Operations Center where command staff decide
      what various resources are going to do during an emergency.

      has some staff who function more or less like firefighters in that
      they go to locations where emergency services are needed and do
      search and rescue, swift water rescue, damage assessment

    The first one is definitely office=government government=emergency.  I
    think the second one is too.

    A facility that houses equipment that personnel from the third
    case use
    as a response base feels like emergency=ses_station.

    Sometimes there are facilities that do all three.  There is a federal
    facility in New England that is at least both 2&3 and surely they must
    do 1.

    Overall I think I'm agreeing with Warin here - some functions of
    Defense" (as it used to be called before that was politically
    are office functions, and some are conceptually similar to fire/rescue

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