On Tue, 16 May 2023 at 18:00, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> emergency=control_centre/administration ???
That was the plan!

emergency=control_centre for the place where disaster / emergency responses
are controlled / co-ordinated from e.g.
or https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/63985402 /

emergency=administration is the downtown office block where public servants
sit & make decisions that affect the people who do the actual work, so that
would also have the office=government + government=emergency tags included
on it.

Which separates them both from the actual rescue / emergency stations which
house equipment & the people that use it.



> I have thought about documenting a proposal for that but haven't got to it
> Too many things on the ' to do' list. Me too.
> Graeme
> On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 22:00, Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:
>> > The places (stations etc) where the emergency response come from would
>> > not be an 'office'; "An office is a place of business where
>> > administrative or professional work is carried out. "  e.g. lawyers,
>> > accountants, records,
>> In the US we have the concept of "Emergency Management Agency" which is
>> at least partly not something like firefighters/ambulance/police.  These
>> exist at federal, state, county and local levels.  They more or less does
>> three things:
>>   planning and training for future emergencies.  Creation of "Local
>>   Emergency Plan" documents.  Coordinating that lots of people have
>>   taken a dizzying array of classes.  Perhaps hosting classes.
>>   operating an Emergency Operations Center where command staff decide
>>   what various resources are going to do during an emergency.
>>   has some staff who function more or less like firefighters in that
>>   they go to locations where emergency services are needed and do urban
>>   search and rescue, swift water rescue, damage assessment
>> The first one is definitely office=government government=emergency.  I
>> think the second one is too.
>> A facility that houses equipment that personnel from the third case use
>> as a response base feels like emergency=ses_station.
>> Sometimes there are facilities that do all three.  There is a federal
>> facility in New England that is at least both 2&3 and surely they must
>> do 1.
>> Overall I think I'm agreeing with Warin here - some functions of "Civil
>> Defense" (as it used to be called before that was politically incorrect)
>> are office functions, and some are conceptually similar to fire/rescue
>> departments.
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