On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Shawn Bayern wrote:

> So, sorry I didn't respond earlier; for some reason, the mailing list
> didn't send me these messages until hours later.  Thanks for all your
> comments; I can't speak authoritatively for the entire expert group, but
> here are my own personal opinions.
> <removed to increase anticipation>

One thing that reading your email does make me realise. <c:blah> is a much
better sell to html designers. Much as I'd love html to have <para> and
<anchor> it seems that the majority of web designers prefer the shorthand.
Lazy buggers :)

Anyway, if the aim of custom taglibs is to get us, the coders, into
spiffy jobs making custom taglibs, and them, the great unwashed designers,
into doing a developers job by using spiffy taglibs, then adhering to
their particular 'standards' does seem a good plan.

[vaguely tongue in cheek, but the point is serious].

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