OK, I guess I slipped on the intuitiveness of HTML tags -- I don't know
where my mind was at that moment.  Regardless, I prefer consistency and
clarity whenever possible.  I know you do too.  Your clarified the issues
and I am somewhat comfortable with the outcome.  And, now I understand why
"sql" was used, but not "xml".  I still think that it would be nice if all
of the libraries started with "jstl" so that they appeared related.  Oh,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 4:10 PM
> To: Tag Libraries Users List
> Subject: RE: JSTL tag prefix naming conventions?
> So, sorry I didn't respond earlier; for some reason, the mailing list
> didn't send me these messages until hours later.  Thanks for all your
> comments; I can't speak authoritatively for the entire expert 
> group, but
> here are my own personal opinions.
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Steve Bang wrote:
> > While Java also supports meaningful naming, in this case the goal is
> > to create tag libraries for non-programmers.  So, names like "x" and
> > "fmt" are not terribly clear.  The HTML tags are not cryptic, and
> > whenever possible, neither should JSP tags.
> Overall, I'd certainly never argue for tags that are cryptic, but HTML
> tags certainly use abbreviations, just for the sake of 
> brevity.  There's
> an <a> tag instead of <anchor>; <p> instead of <paragraph>; and <img>
> instead of <image>.  In fact, nearly all HTML tags are cryptic if you
> don't like abbreviations.  :-)
> Concerning analogies with Java, I'm not sure I agree.  The 
> J2SE libraries
> certainly use reasonably long names for classes, but 
> namespace prefixes
> are more like packages, and the standard libraries all use 
> abbreviations:
> java.io, java.util, java.lang.  Like the J2SE libraries, we don't
> abbreviate the tag (class) names:  forEach, forTokens 
> (instead of 'f' or
> 'ft').
> At any rate, it looks (to me) like we're in good company.
> > I undestand that the HTML tags don't need a prefix, but we 
> should keep
> > in mind the intended audience and minimize confusion.  If 
> the standard
> > JSP tags were <j:useBean>, <j:setProperty>, etc., it would be
> > confusing -- would the "j" represent Java or JSP?  And, if HTML tags
> > had to have a prefix, would you find "h" a good prefix?  I 
> doubt it --
> > I'd much prefer "html" as a prefix.  To avoid collisions and other
> > confusion, I'm leaning toward having "jstl" at the beginning of the
> > prefixes.  Shawn, hasn't this issue been discussed among the expert
> > group? Or, was this something no one ever thought about discussing?
> This definitely came up; it was debated at length in the context of
> whether to provide a single JSTL tag library or multiple tag 
> libraries.  
> The rationale for the perceived inconsistency in the naming 
> is what Henri
> said:  simplicity to type.  After all, 'core' or 'jstlcore' 
> are just as
> opaque as 'c' without ANY context; given that JSTL is the 
> standard and is
> expected to be used widely, we figured that
>  <c:forEach>
> would be much easier to read and identify than
>  <jstlcore:forEach>
> FMT could be called 'f', but it does take a slight back-seat 
> to the core
> library in this regard.  I'd expect many pages just to use 
> 'c'.  The XML
> tag library might have ideally been prefixed 'xml', but the 
> XML standard
> itself rules that out :-), and we figured we'd promote the library by
> giving it its own, one-letter abbreviation.
> Whatever we choose would be somewhat arbitrary, so we 
> ultimately opted to
> ease the page author's burden of typing!
> -- 
> Shawn Bayern
> Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
> (coming this summer from Manning Publications)
> --
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