On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Steve Bang wrote:

> OK, I guess I slipped on the intuitiveness of HTML tags -- I don't know
> where my mind was at that moment.  Regardless, I prefer consistency and
> clarity whenever possible.  I know you do too.  Your clarified the issues
> and I am somewhat comfortable with the outcome.  And, now I understand why
> "sql" was used, but not "xml".

Another advantage of the parallel between 'c' and 'x' is that it
highlights the analogy between the two tag libraries.  That is, you use
'<c:out>' to print data using the master expression language, and
'<x:out>' to print XML data using XPath.  The same goes for 'if', 'set',
'when', and even 'forEach'.  The parallelism might not be as clear if we
called the tags '<xpath:out>'.

There's also an advantage in giving prominence to your XML support, these
days.  :-)

> I still think that it would be nice if all of the libraries started
> with "jstl" so that they appeared related.  Oh, well.

It's funny; I agreed with this in spirit as well for a long time.  I
initially had advocated using a 'j' prefix to distinguish JSTL tags, so
that we'd end up with 'jc', 'jx', 'jf', and 'js' (so far).  But this was
(rightfully, I think) seen as MORE cryptic than the current system.  
Ultimately, I think that users will know they're looking at JSTL tags by
virtue of general familiarity.  But I agree -- any solution is somewhat
arbitrary and imperfect.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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