Thanks very much, Michael. Your help is far over what I expect.

Using the converter program is a better than looking up the near 100 pages long table. 
Is some sort of internal structure 
how the table is formed?

The last time I used a Chinese word processor was more than a decade ago. I may need 
to figure out how to enter 
Chinese characters with a regular keyboard. I remember there are quick few entry 

Server side validation error messages come from the server, not on the presentation 
layer. It is better to be localizated 
as well as.

5/24/2002 12:56:46 AM, "Michale Zhou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Your last question first. For mapping between Chinese chars and Unicode,
>look at, click aon CJK Unified
>Ideographs (5MB) link. You will also find a lot of useful information at
>We actually wrote two utility programs to simplify the conversion. Attached
>is the source code. I assume you can input Chinese in an editor (like NJ
>WordProcessor, and save it to your preferred encoding,
>GB2312 or Big5. The UnicodeConverter program then take this file as the
>input and output the unicode presentation to another file. For example,
>    java UnicodeConverter gb2312 yourfile.GB.TXT yourfile.unicode
>The other program, UnicodeReverseConverter does just the oppoiste. With help
>of these tools, we can quickly *.properties in both directions. You may have
>known this, just so to make things clear. We use \uxxxx (Chinese) in our
>* files to serve Chinese locale. We have another jsp page
>called unicodeGenerator.jsp to do Chinese (or other language) -> Unicode
>conversion, attached at the bottom of the message.
>Regarding your another question:
>> Have you encountered any situation that messages come from the server? If
>so, do you create
>> another set of resource bundle?
>You mean the messages generated from the Web server, like Tomcat? We don't
>localizae that piece of information.
>//----------------- -----------------------
>/** Utility program to convert an encoded file to ISO-8859-1 encoding
>(default encoding
> *  on Solaris and Windows english versions. For characters not in the
>ISO-8859-1 charset,
> *  \\uxxxx will be output, where xxxx is the Unicode value of the
> *
> * @author  Michael Zhou
> */
>public class UnicodeConverter {
>    /** Usage */
>    public static void printUsage () {
>        System.out.println ("\n\nUsage: java UnicodeConverter
><encoding_of_inputfile> <inputfile> <outputfile>\n\n");
>    }
>    /** Program entry
>    * @param args the command line arguments
>    */
>    public static void main (String args[]) {
>        if (args != null && args.length < 3) {
>            printUsage ();
>            System.exit (1);
>        }
>        String encoding = args[0];
>        String inputfilename = args[1];
>        String outputfilename = args[2];
>        BufferedReader reader = null;
>        BufferedWriter writer = null;
>        try {
>            reader = new BufferedReader (
>                         new InputStreamReader (
>                             new FileInputStream (inputfilename),
>            writer = new BufferedWriter (
>                         new OutputStreamWriter (
>                             new FileOutputStream (outputfilename),
>            String line = null;
>            while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null) {
>                for (int i=0;  i<line.length (); i++) {
>                    if (line.charAt (i) < 128)
>                        writer.write (line.charAt (i));
>                    else {
>                        writer.write ("\\u");
>                        writer.write (Integer.toHexString (line.charAt
>                    }
>                }
>                writer.write ("\n");
>            }
>        }
>        catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("File Not Found Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("Unsupported Encoding Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        catch (IOException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("IO Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        finally {
>           try {
>              reader.close ();
>              writer.close ();
>           }
>           catch (Exception ex) {
>              System.out.println ("File close failed.");
>              ex.printStackTrace ();
>           }
>        }
>    }
>//----------------- -----------------------
>/** Utility program to convert an ISO-8859-1 encoded file to another
>encoding, ie, convert
> *  all \\uxxxx chars back to their Unicode chars.
> *
> * @author  Michael Zhou
> */
>public class UnicodeReverseConverter {
>    /** Usage */
>    public static void printUsage () {
>        System.out.println ("\n\nUsage: java UnicodeReverseConverter
><encoding_of_outputfile> <inputfile> <outputfile>\n\n");
>    }
>    /** Program entry
>    * @param args the command line arguments
>    */
>    public static void main (String args[]) {
>        if (args != null && args.length < 3) {
>            printUsage ();
>            System.exit (1);
>        }
>        String encoding = args[0];
>        String inputfilename = args[1];
>        String outputfilename = args[2];
>        BufferedReader reader = null;
>        BufferedWriter writer = null;
>        try {
>            reader = new BufferedReader (
>                         new InputStreamReader (
>                             new FileInputStream (inputfilename),
>            writer = new BufferedWriter (
>                         new OutputStreamWriter (
>                             new FileOutputStream (outputfilename),
>            String line = null;
>            outer: while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null) {
>                int index = line.indexOf ("\\u");
>                while (index > -1) {
>                    writer.write (line.substring (0, index));
>                    // if there are not enough chars left, an exception will
>be thrown
>                    String temp = line.substring (index + 2, index + 6);
>                    // exceptions could be thrown if convertion failed.
>                    writer.write ((char) Integer.valueOf (temp, 16).intValue
>                    if (index + 6 > line.length ()) {
>                        // end of line
>                        writer.write ("\n");
>                        continue outer;
>                    }
>                    line = line.substring (index + 6);
>                    index = line.indexOf ("\\u");
>                }
>                writer.write (line);
>                writer.write ("\n");
>            }
>        }
>        catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("File Not Found Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("Unsupported Encoding Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        catch (IOException ex) {
>           System.out.println ("IO Exception:");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        catch (Exception ex) {
>           System.out.println ("General exception: ");
>           ex.printStackTrace ();
>        }
>        finally {
>            try {
>                reader.close ();
>                writer.close ();
>            }
>            catch (Exception ex) {
>            }
>        }
>    }
>//----------------- unicodeGenerator.jsp -----------------------
><html><title>Convert to Unicode</title>
><%@ page contentType='text/html; charset=UTF-8' %>
><%@ page import='*' %>
>Input any language below, press Enter to see Unicode<br>
><FORM ACTION=unicodeGenerator.jsp METHOD=GET>
>    out.println("Unicode:<br>");
>    String charset = request.getParameter("charset");
>    if (charset !=null) {
>      // Get the text paramete
>      String text = request.getParameter("text");
>      // Now convert it from an array of bytes to an array of characters.
>      // Do this using the charset that was sent as a hidden field.
>      // Here we only bother to read the first line.
>      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
>            new InputStreamReader(new StringBufferInputStream(text),
>      text = reader.readLine();
>      out.println(toUnicodeEscapeString(text));
>    }
>  private static char toHex(int nibble) {
>    return hexDigit[(nibble & 0xF)];
>  }
>  private static char[] hexDigit = {
>    '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'
>  };
>  private static String toUnicodeEscapeString(String str) {
>    // Modeled after the code in
>    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
>    int len = str.length();
>    char ch;
>    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>      ch = str.charAt(i);
>      switch (ch) {
>        case '\\': buf.append("\\\\"); break;
>        case '\t': buf.append("\\t"); break;
>        case '\n': buf.append("\\n"); break;
>        case '\r': buf.append("\\r"); break;
>        default:
>          //if (ch >= ' ' && ch <= 127) {
>            //buf.append(ch);
>          //}
>          //else {
>            buf.append('\\');
>            buf.append('u');
>            buf.append(toHex((ch >> 12) & 0xF));
>            buf.append(toHex((ch >>  8) & 0xF));
>            buf.append(toHex((ch >>  4) & 0xF));
>            buf.append(toHex((ch >>  0) & 0xF));
>          //}
>      }
>    }
>    return buf.toString();
>  }
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vernon Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 9:06 PM
>To: Tag Libraries Users List; Michael Zhou
>Subject: Re: RE: Usage of i18n in JSTL
>Hi, Michael,
>Thanks for sharing information.
>If my understanding is correct, the solution you mentioned is for changing
>locale during a session. I have tried to use
>your code, but can't test it out since one more class is needed to get it
>I use the lastest JSTL build as Jan suggests and the two problems are
>resolved. (~/
>Have you encountered any situation that messages come from the server? If
>so, do you create another set of resource
>BTW, where is a good site to find out the mapping between Chinese character
>and unicode?
>Best regards,

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