
I'm having some problems with the <c:out> tag (and also with the <bean:write> tag from 
Struts) where I have some code that works in one application but does not work in 
another application.  I know my variables are set out correctly because of some 
scriptlet code.  Here is the working code:

<c:forEach items="${lookup.days}" var="day">
 <c:out value="${day.title}"/>

Here is the same code that does not work in another application:

<c:forEach items="${lookup.components}" var="component">
 <c:out value="${component.shortDesc}"/>

The error message is:

An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "value" with value 
"${component.shortDesc}": Unable to find a value for "shortDesc" in object of class 
"com.bah.ebspnp.dao.Component" using operator "." (null)' 

However, this does work correctly:

<c:forEach items="${lookup.components}" var="item">
 <%= ((Component)pageContext.getAttribute("item")).getShortDesc() %>

Any ideas?  Thanks!


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