Billy Bacon wrote:
Thanks for your response Hans, that was very helpful. This might be more of
a Struts issue then because I don't have a JavaBean for my 'Form' object. I
use the Struts DynaActionForm object which does all the 'getting' and
'setting' for you. I have this element defined in my struts-config.xml

<form-bean name="adminDownloadForm"

<form-property name="idFlag" type="java.lang.Boolean" />


Defining the property 'idFlag' with a type Boolean is all I have to do and
Struts pretty much does the rest of the getting/setting. I'm not sure how
the DynaActionForm is implemented since it's a core Struts class but in
anycase it doesn't look like I could fix this since I don't define the Bean.

Ah, that explains it; JSTL knows nothing about the DynaActionForm class. IIRC, it's more or less a Map, but still not enough of a Map to be recognized as such by the JSTL EL.

So in your case, may want to continue to use the Struct logic library
instead of using JSTL's <c:if> for testing property values of these things.

Hans Bergsten                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gefion Software                       <>
Author of O'Reilly's "JavaServer Pages", covering JSP 1.2 and JSTL 1.0
Details at                                    <>

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