XTags is not deprecated, and I don't recall any discussions about moving in that
direction. However, it does seem like the arrival of JSTL has taken most of the
wind out of its development sails.

As for <c:import> and POST, here's a relevant snippet from the JSTL spec:

When importing an external resource using the HTTP protocol, <c:import> behaves
according to the semantics of a GET request sent via the
java.net.HttpURLConnection class, with setFollowRedirects set to true.

So, if you want to use something other than a GET via a taglib, IO's the way to
go. It's your call as to whether XTags or JSTL is a better fit to process the

Quoting Malcolm Cowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I personally find XTags to be extremely useful, particularly during 
> prototyping, since it if more functional than the JSTL XML 
> implementation. In particular, it is useful to me to be able to add and 
> remove XML elements before applying a stylesheet. Please don't deprecate it!
> Would agree with your assessment of the IO library, though. I have used 
> it as an XML-RPC client before with good results.
> As an aside, I'm looking for a cheap and nasty server side XML-RPC 
> implementation for an upcoming demo. Any pointers?
> Regards,
> Malcolm.
> Ben Anderson wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm at the beginning stages of writing a client for xml-rpc using jsp tags.
> > First I thought I'd use the combination of the xtags and io libraries. 
> Then, I
> > realized that jstl supports most xml functionality that I can think of
> > (transformation/xpath/parsing).  Does this mean that xtags should be
> > depracated?  Is there any use for it?  Also, I believe I still would need
> the
> > io library as the c:import in jstl doesn't support features like including
> > content in a post request.  Am I on the right track here?
> > Thanks,
> > Ben

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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