Kris Schneider wrote the following on 10/21/2004 12:36 AM:
You're sure there's not a newline at the very end of your tag file?

I've even done a reg expression search and replace for \n and nothing found. It's just one line. I'm calling it from javascript like:

<span style="cursor:hand;" onmouseover="return overlib('<tags:DelimItems items="${associate.additionalServices}" property="code" postDelim=" ,"/>');" onmouseout="return nd();">*<c:out value='${associate.primaryService.code}' default='N/A'/></span>

I end up with a break when viewing the src code right after the close of the tag "/> and before the ');

The break seems to be coming after the tag is used on the page not from within the tag itself. Is this the same behavior witnessed for others?

Thanks again,


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