Right, got it. The problem is in the DelimItems.tag file. Here's something that
might trip you up. This tag file ("EOF" is just the end-of-file marker so it's
explicit in the example, it's not really in the tag file):

<%@ tag body-content="scriptless" %><%--
--%><%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %><%--
--%><c:forEach var="s" items="0,1,2,3">

Will produce:

Tag output: '




But this tag file:

<%@ tag body-content="scriptless" %><%--
--%><%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %><%--
--%><c:forEach var="s" items="0,1,2,3"><%--
--%>${s} <%--

Will produce:

Tag output: '0 1 2 3 '

So be careful with your handling of nested tags...

Quoting Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Kris Schneider wrote the following on 10/21/2004 2:59 PM:
> > Nope (I tried it - it looks like your choice A), but your example really
> isn't
> > any different than mine ;-). The ' is after the tag and it's still on the
> same
> > line as the tag's output. Care to (re)post the tag file that's giving you
> the
> > problem?
> The problem is when I try to do:
> (All of this on one line ...sorry for crummy wrapping. I can send as 
> text if you want)
> <span style="cursor:hand;" onmouseover="return overlib('<tags:DelimItems 
> items="${associate.additionalServices}" property="code" postDelim=" 
> ,"/>');" onmouseout="return nd();">*<c:out 
> value='${associate.primaryService.code}' default='N/A'/></span>
> The problem is in this part:
> onmouseover="return overlib('<tags:DelimItems 
> items="${associate.additionalServices}" property="code" postDelim=" ,"/>');"
> The source looks like:
> onmouseover="return overlib('foo,bar,foo,bar  <-- LINE BREAK!
> ');"
> The Line Break above is what is messing up. The output of the Tag 
> file(DelimItems) is fine, but the break it ends up giving at the end is 
> what is messing it up (the same break you noticed in your code). Also, I 
> don't want to make the tag file javascript specific since I use this tag 
> for other html output which is fine. I could of course make a modified 
> tag or pass in a param to produce the javascript from the tag file. That 
> might not be a bad option but still sort of annoying.
> -- 
> Rick

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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