On 08/11/13 11:23, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
I can't make up my mind whether our GNU Mailman ought to be tweaked to
strip them, whether Sean's Spamassassin ought to be tweaked to accept
them, or whether DKIM is just useless. ;-)

On 2013-11-22 06:45, Daira Hopwood wrote:
DKIM is worse than useless,

DKIM is harmful as specified http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-otis-dkim-harmful-03

This demonstrates the general principle that a committee is dumber than its dumbest member, except when, like NIST, controlled by an evil conspiracy.

Cryptography is hard, therefore there is no place for committees. To accomplish anything useful, a committee should appoint one man and stand back.
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