Mandé un email a la lista global de OSM y me dijeron que está ok usar el role 
de esta manera, lo escribí un poco mas formal y cambié uno o dos detalles, es 
medio tarde así que lo mando en inglés, si alguien quiere después lo vuelvo a 
enviar en castellano:

 The relation would have a type="street_number" and a scheme="sequential" in 
this case, other schemes may be specified (for example "random" for places 
using cadastral numbers or truly random numbers).
 The following assumes scheme="sequential" (which is what is used in 
 There is a single relation per way (I haven't yet considered if it makes 
sense to have more than one way, but it's not critical, I believe). This 
relation would have one way and two or more nodes. The role of each node 
would hold the street number, which would be interpolated to the other nodes 
(so not every node in a way has to be tagged).
 Cada nodo en la relación debe pertenecer a la vía. [Esta oración la acabo de 
agregar, para evitar confusión con el sistema de Karlsruhe.]
 The lowest number is the start node (need not be 0), and the observer is 
standing in the start node looking at the higher numbered nodes, so left and 
right are easily defined and can't be turned around by mistake.
 A tag k=sequence with v="odd_left|odd_right|left_first|right_first|random" 
would tell whether:
  odd numbers are on the left and even on the right (odd_left);
  odd numbers are on the right and even on the left (odd_right);
  numbers go sequentially on the left, then the sequence is continued on the 
right (left_first);
 same as above, but starts on the right (right_first);
 numbers are sequential but even and odd can be on either side (random), which 
is probably a sane default.

 left_first, right_first and random are not used in Argentina AFAIK, but they 
might be of use in other countries, I think?

 An example:

<relation id="77" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-14T10:07:23+00:00" 
  <member type="way" ref="343" />
  <member type="node" ref="911" role="0" />
  <member type="node" ref="227" role="100" />
  <member type="node" ref="941" role="150" />
  <member type="node" ref="217" role="400" />
  <tag k="type" v="street_number" />
  <tag k="scheme" v="sequential" />
  <tag k="sequence" v="odd_left" />

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