On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Darrin Smith wrote:
> Yahoo tracing often is out of date, doesn't always reflect the
> experience of one on the ground and is yet to properly align with GPS
> in any area I've looked at in S.A. These are all issues of Quality which
> GPS tracks can improve on because someone actually visits the location
> (obviously someone using some other persons GPS track suffers from most
> of the problems also). I realise it isn't going to stop tracing but
> it's going to change opinions I express and it's just going to
> re-enforce my growing opinion that yahoo tracing is sub-standard for
> OSM.
> It becomes more work because instead of uploading a GPS track and
> adjusting the way to properly match the GPS path one has to remove the
> old way (and nodes!) and add the new way and nodes.

I have to agree with Darrin

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