On 09/06/2009, at 7:24 PM, Liz wrote:
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Delta Foxtrot wrote:
> Am I right in thinking the following:
> * that major roads should/would have the highest priority
> * then town streets
> * minor out lying roads, rivers/streams, railways
> * street names
> * points of interest
> * place naming (eg type of shop)
> * street numbering

This is a previous effort of mine from before smoothness tags ;-)
Worth expanding now with your list, so go for it


As well as things that look important on the map, it might also be worth checking if you have the opportunity to map something that later mappers will find difficult

To use the river/streams example from above, I'd say that if you have the chance to _accurately_ trace a waterway, it might be worth doing before most of the things. Other people who come along later will be able to get the roads, but they may not have a boat to go down the river on.

  James "Doc" Livingston
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