On 09/06/2009, at 10:33 PM, Delta Foxtrot wrote:
> --- On Tue, 9/6/09, James Livingston <doc...@mac.com> wrote:
>> To use the river/streams example from above,
>> I'd say that if you have the chance to _accurately_
>> trace a waterway, it might be worth doing before most of the
>> things. Other people who come along later will be able to
>> get the roads, but they may not have a boat to go down the
>> river on.
> That's a tough call, on one hand if people usually don't travel  
> along those ways they aren't as important, but at the same time I  
> get your point and agree with it so I guess it would depend on it's  
> deemed importanance  over all? That is are we building a map so  
> people can navigate water ways?

Yeah, it's a bit of a nasty trade-off. I guess you have to make a  
judgement call on how likely there are to be other mappers in the area  
in the future, and how useful the alternate stuff you can map is. I  
wouldn't necessarily say that anyone should take a river over the  
roads, but just that if someone gets the chance to map something  
hard(er) to get, they should at least consider it.

As to what we're building the map for? I would guess that if you asked  
that question to 100 random OSM contributors you would get about 300  
answers. Much the same as if you asked the equivalent question to free  
software / open source contributors.

> As for plotting water ways in general I had a bit of a joke floating  
> round in the back of my mind for the last few days about making some  
> kind of GPS bouy that you could send down the river, something like  
> the solar powered data logger might even be practical.
> However retreiving the bouy, especially in western rivers would be  
> more time consuming than taking a kayak and doing it manually  
> yourself since it would likely get caught up on branches/debris,  
> snagged in fences across water ways, stolen/vandalised etc. Not to  
> mention when the rivers flaten out they take forever to get anywhere.

Definitely. You'd certainly need some way of remotely finding out  
where it was, otherwise you'd have no chance of picking it back up.

Now that I think about it, I know a couple of people down in Tassie  
who regularly go kayaking and have a GPS - I think I may need to go  
pester them for some logs :)

   James "Doc" Livingston

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