On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 15:35:56 +1000
John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/9/24 Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com>:
> > so who's aerial_photography is it?
> Those may need an attributation=* tag, should be easy enough to work
> out where they came from. A quick look shows
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/MatthewC tagged ways that way, I'm
> guessing yahoo sat imagery + he surveyed for the names.

Exactly the point.  These should then be source=Yahoo and source:name=survey if 
that's where they came from.  Then if there is any issue with copyright the 
source can be readily identified.

> Also the DB has south eastern asia + New Zealand + pacific islands,
> not just Australia and it's external territories.
Understood, I was only looking at the ones in Australia.


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