On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com> wrote:
> Consistency is more important than if he feels like it conveys a different 
> meaning.

In general, the two are inseparable. If author A says M and means X,
and author B says N and means Y, then changing N to M *does not lead
to consistency*. (note: in this example, M="source=survey",
N="source=gps", B=Mark).

Furthermore, if N means Y=X AND X2 (which is the case in this
particular example, but certainly not always), then you've lost
information (X2), which can only be regained by re-surveying.
Otherwise, even worse, you could have damaged the data by
misinterpreting N as meaning X.

> Did Mark go to these locations note what was there and therefore survey what 
> he put in osm, it appears he did.  Therefore it is source=survey.  A physical 
> survey.

Yes - so in this case, I agree, it's no big deal. Y and X are pretty
similar. But this may not be the case in general. You have to draw the
line somewhere. And I prefer to be conservative, i.e. if in doubt,
don't change it until the situation becomes clearer (e.g. after
discussion, or additional tags appearing on tagwatch/wiki that make
specification easier).

> If he want's to amplify what was entered then maybe survey=gps is the way to 
> go or "note=this survey was done by gps"


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