On 25/09/2009, at 6:43 AM, Roy Wallace wrote:
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Mark Pulley <mrpul...@lizzy.com.au> wrote:

The obvious place to look at the wiki
is http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:source - however on this page even
"source=survey" is missing.

I'm with Mark - this should be cleaned up, preferably by someone who
has a clearer understanding of the consensus than I.

As everyone has rushed to the wiki to clean it up... not! - I've had a go at this page. I did it at work (broadband), as the Map Features page takes a long time to load on dial-up at home. I've added a table based on the information on the Map Features page, then added a comment below the table about other tags. Some of the 'core values' previously listed at the page are missing from Map Features, so I've commented on these, also making a separate comment about the Potlatch defaults. If anyone can improve on this, please go ahead!

As well as gps/GPS being missing, it's interesting that Yahoo is missing from the Map Features page.

Also, on the same table, I've included relations to the elements that the tag is allowed on - I assume this is correct, but if not then please delete the picture from the table.

Mark P.
"They offered to transport me back to any point in history that I would care to go, and so I had them send me back to last Thursday night, so I could pay my
 phone bill on time."
 (Weird Al Yankovic, "Everything You Know Is Wrong")

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