On 14/12/2009, at 6:58 PM, Stephen Hope wrote:
> The reason I thought they may be a QLD thing is the state Government
> here licences them a bit differently from your average pub (or used
> to, I haven't checked lately).  Thus the (official) members only
> rules, connection to a sport club, etc.  

It's the same in NSW, the ACT and probably elsewhere. access=members?  (and 
guests, and "foreigners" if you like more than X km away, outside the ACT, etc).

> One reason I was wondering about if they have a different tag, is
> because they have a different vibe to your average restaurant / pub.

young_people_getting_stupidly_drunk=no? ;)

I agree that they're not really the same as a "normal" pub, but I don't know 
how'd you'd really describe the difference other than the "tenuous connection 
to some club and officially members only" thing.

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