On 14/12/2009, at 6:41 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:
> I think my central argument is this: Your "sports_club" venue could be
> - a sports facility with no eating/drinking/gambling facilities for the public
> - an eating/drinking/gambling venue for the public with no sports facilities
> - or both.
> This looks like a case for two distinct tags.

I'm sure that there was a tag for the first, although I can't find it now. 
Something like leisure=club_rooms or similar, which related to a sporting group 
but wasn't necessarily where the sports themselves were played, which would be 
leisure=sports_centre/pitch. Possibly I just made it up when I tagged some.

The lines are a bit messy, but my understanding is that basically:
* if you can only get drinks with a meal, it's amenity=restaurant
* if you can't get a meal (only snacks) it's amenity=bar
* if you can get either without the other it's amenity=pub

These locations sounds like a pub to me, and the bigger ones could have other 
amenity=bar and amenity=restaurant inside them if needed.

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