2009/12/18 Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com>:
> Likewise it's not necessary to have multiple nodes on a straight section of 
> road (unless it's really long).  As an example I just came across one 
> straight road that was 150m long. It had 6 nodes on it where it could have 
> been drawn with three. One at each end of the road and one where it 
> intersected with the second carriageway of the dual carriageway road it joins.
> Like Chris said this is overmapping.

Some people are of the opinion that non-physical lanes should be
mapped, others think only physical seperations should be mapped, I
think we're both in the latter camp, I'm of the belief that if it's a
physically seperated way it should be drawn as 2 individual ways, some
people were writing the other day about them being tagged as seperated
but one individual way. Others still think a thick painted line is
enough to drawn individual ways...

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