On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com> wrote:
>> This is an interesting example. The "_messy" and "_simple" techniques,
>> of course, could just as well be described as "_complete" and
>> "_approximate", etc.
> No _messy is over mapped and _simple is accurate.

This is subjective and, as I said, depends on "what we are mapping".
E.g. IF we are mapping the "centrelines of paths of travel" in terms
of geographic location, clearly _messy is more accurate/complete. But
that's a big IF. I'm not saying _messy is better, I'm just saying it's
not *necessarily* worse - it all depends on the goal and the
definition of a "way".

> Additional information like turning lanes etc needs to be included in 
> relations etc or other tags.

Yes, fair enough. But what if someone wants to mark the geographic
locations of these "turning lanes etc"? Then we go to something line
highway=lane, I guess. But that's off-topic here.

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