On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Dale <hang...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> "How do we distinguish between National Parks, State Parks, State
> Forests and
> the like?
> Have started adding forest areas from the landsat imagery and have been
> attributing as "natural=wood", but I haven't found anything that
> would allow
> me to better distinguish these areas. Obviously a National park is
> totally
> different from a State Park in terms of what can/not be done. It
> would also
> be good to link the polygons off to the relevant web site (such as
> www.parkweb.vic.gov.au in the case of Victoria).
> This issue isn't as simple as stipulating a "manager" because some
> National
> Parks not managed by Parks Victoria etc.
> Thoughts?
> Cheers"

Boy, the replies to this question were seriously off-base. Ok, there are a
few issues. First, "natural=" just describes what's on the land, like trees
or not, so isn't useful. The right tag would be something like
"landuse=reserve", although this appears to be still under debate:

Separately there is the question of how to distinguish state parks from
national parks etc. I don't think there's a proper tag for this yet, but if
there were, it might be "nature_reserve=state_park". Presumably most
countries have something equivalent.

I would be less interested in tagging who manages it, and more interested in
tagging the legislation that appears to it. Afaik, "national park" has a
specific legal meaning, even if all Victiorion NPs are managed by Parks
Victoria etc.

So far I've been tagging them fairly indiscriminately as leisure=park, but
giving them the full title in their name, on the basis that it will be
fairly easy to mass update them once we work out an appropriate tagging

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