On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 16:45 +1000, John Smith wrote:
> On 22 February 2010 13:28, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> > Ive been wondering about the idea of mapping private pools in the same
> > way as private tennis courts have been marked, but been worried about
> > some issues, particularly privacy.
> How are there any privacy issues when you can see those same pools on
> aerial imagery?

Aerial imagery doesnt normally have a street map overlayed, and when it
does, just ask google if theres any privacy issues when it comes to high
detail aerial photos.

I do agree with John though, about the firefighting aspect of it.  Some
areas around here have 'SW' (Static Water) markers on the nature strip
to indicate a pool or other static water supply is available, for
example so firefighters can fill their tanker in an emergency.

When the Canberra bushfires came through, a house in our street was lost
because we lost water pressure, we didnt know there was a large inground
pool out the back or we might have been able to make a difference, so
Ive always had an interest in marking these, but also understand the
privacy issue.


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