On 6 April 2011 10:51, Elizabeth Dodd <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Apr 2011 19:31:53 +1000
> John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> didn't write: (Michael Collinson
> did)
>> For clarity:
>> - This will only affect (77,000) contributors who registered before
>> May 2010 and who have not accepted the new terms as part of the
>> voluntary re-licensing program.
> those who see a big hole in the numbers
> total contributors at May 2010 ~250,000
> Those who have signed up ~9,000
> Those who have not signed up ~77,000
> the gap I guess refers to accounts which have been completely idle and
> will be prevented from editing
> (source, LWG minutes 5th April 2011)

Yes, those that have been completely idle.
They signed up prior to May 2010 and have not made any edits. They are
not prevented from editing, but they will be presented with the new
CTs when they login to edit.

> I still have trouble understanding how 9,000 of 86,000 is a large
> majority.
> Those who signed up after May 2010 got no option, so they can't be
> construed as supporting either side.

There are around 12,000 accounts which have prior to May 2010
contributed 95%+ of all the data.


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