On Wed, 2011-04-06 at 22:09 +1000, Michael Hampson wrote:
> So is Phase 4 the end for those that don't agree? What happens to the
> data if we don't agree? and the data built on top of that data?

Well, it depends what you read.  According to the wiki, stage 4 is when
OSM asks the community what will should happen for those who havent
accepted the licence.  One has to wonder if any of the comments from the
past year or two will be taken into account when those in power decide
to ask us mere mushrooms what we think.

> > For clarity:
> > 
> > - This will only affect (77,000) contributors who registered before
> > May 2010 and who have not accepted the new terms as part of the
> > voluntary re-licensing program.

For clarity: (according to odbl.de)
In Australia:
- This will remove 57% of users 
- This will remove 67% of nodes, 66% of ways and 86% of relations

In UK:
- This will remove 65% of users
- This will remove 40% of nodes, 40% of ways and 10% of relations

In Europe:
- This will remove 61% of users
- This will remove 20% of nodes, 20% of ways and 15% of relations

It is fairly clear that the Australian issue has very little value to
those in Europe in control of the project at the moment.  The fact that
the number of users lost is in the same ballpark while the amount of
data lost is significantly higher in our part of the world, seems to
show the regions and the users whos interests they are looking out for.

> > - Once a contributor has Accepted/Declined the new terms, they may
> > continue editting normally.  Even if they decline, they may continue
> > editting normally until and if Phase 4 kicks in.

Maybe I missed the announcement, but is there now an option to record
that you decline the licence?


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