On 06/04/11 19:31, John Smith wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Collinson <m...@ayeltd.biz>
> Date: 6 April 2011 19:08
> Subject: [OSM-dev] To OSM editor authors ...
> To: d...@openstreetmap.org
> ... the License Working Group intends implementing Phase 3 of the
> license change implementation plan [1]. This involves blocking edits
> with HTTP "Forbidden" messages until the individual contributor has
> Accepted/Declined the new terms by logging in manually via browser at
> http://www.openstreetmap.org. The text of the message will explain the
> reason. This will happen Real Soon Now, I hope within the next few
> days. We will give at least 48 hours notice on the main Talk and other
> mailing lists of the exact date/time.
> Please would you check that your editor software has some mechanism
> for your users.
> For clarity:
> - This will only affect (77,000) contributors who registered before
> May 2010 and who have not accepted the new terms as part of the
> voluntary re-licensing program.
> - Once a contributor has Accepted/Declined the new terms, they may
> continue editting normally.  Even if they decline, they may continue
> editting normally until and if Phase 4 kicks in.
> Mike
> Michael Collinson
> License Working Group
> [1] 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan#PHASE_3_-_Existing_Contributor_Mandatory_Re-licensing_.28Phase_2_.2B_5_or_10_weeks.29

Thank you John for forwarding this.

Would you please pass back to Michael my respectful disdain for this
notification which provides no reassurance nor guidance whatsoever. (I
am straining to be polite; in case this is not obvious!)

So some change may be made - maybe even soon - to force a decision the
result of which may be ignored - by people who may not be using the
system any more. Which may not have any effect?

I will say no more than express my bewilderment why this
announcement(Meta-b Control-k)waste of time and effort was even
considered for posting as I doubt I will be able to refrain from insult.

I emphasise this last statement is not directed at John.

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