So is Phase 4 the end for those that don't agree? What happens to the data if we don't agree? and the data built on top of that data?

I have read what I could about the new Contributor Terms and I get the drift about the CC-BY-SA and ODbL. Just not sure about the OSMF bit.


Michael Hampson
0416 685 785

On 6/04/2011 7:31 PM, John Smith wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Collinson<>
Date: 6 April 2011 19:08
Subject: [OSM-dev] To OSM editor authors ...

... the License Working Group intends implementing Phase 3 of the
license change implementation plan [1]. This involves blocking edits
with HTTP "Forbidden" messages until the individual contributor has
Accepted/Declined the new terms by logging in manually via browser at The text of the message will explain the
reason. This will happen Real Soon Now, I hope within the next few
days. We will give at least 48 hours notice on the main Talk and other
mailing lists of the exact date/time.

Please would you check that your editor software has some mechanism
for your users.

For clarity:

- This will only affect (77,000) contributors who registered before
May 2010 and who have not accepted the new terms as part of the
voluntary re-licensing program.

- Once a contributor has Accepted/Declined the new terms, they may
continue editting normally.  Even if they decline, they may continue
editting normally until and if Phase 4 kicks in.


Michael Collinson
License Working Group


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