On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 15:17:33 +0100
Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately there are some very vocal (anonymous) members of the
> Australian community who seem intent on creating a virtual "Us vs
> Them" conflict in the community with exaggerated claims and mistruths.

We aren't anonymous.
We have names, and we do know each other.
Whether we share our names with persons outside Australia is our

There is definitely a major problem with the future of OSM in Australia.
Writing nincompoop essays on this mailing list about "we are here to
help you" does not convince us otherwise.

CC-by-SA for geodata is fine here. It's good enough for our government,
it's good enough for us. (Au government now is using CC-by for data).
We believe in Share-Alike. Actually, we have been brought up to believe
in share alike and helping each other, and that might be part of the
reason you reach a brick wall on the change to a complex legal licence.

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