On 27 April 2011 05:42, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir <maxi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Grant Slater
> <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
>> Wait, why did the Australian government stop using CC-by-SA and move
>> to CC-by? I actually wasn't aware of this, maybe because CC-by-SA adds
>> needless restrictions and ambiguity on using the data?
> Basically yes - having to choose between the different variants was
> causing alot of confusion to individual authors; see recommendations
> 6.3-6.7 @ 
> http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/gov20taskforcereport/chapter5.htm
>> The AU government also provides the data under other specific terms on
>> request. Mike of LWG has made a formal request. Notes in today's LWG
>> meeting minutes.
> I can't see them on
> http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Group_Minutes yet ....

The draft minutes are out:
Section 8...
   * Imported Dataset Licensing
   ** Australia Gov allows specific licensing. In mid December 2010
Mike wrote a formal letter to the following address but has not
received a reply. He will follow up.
        Commonwealth Copyright Administration,
        Attorney General’s Department,
        National Circuit,
        ACT 2600
Questions / comment likely best addressed to Mike on this item.

/ Grant

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