> Ian wrote
> .....  but OSM was largely formed because of government
> restrictions over the use of its data (i.e OS copyright),
> .....
This is news to me, but if for some reason this is true, can someone
please explain to me why, after convincing the Australian government
to release data under a CC-by or CC-by-SA licence, OSM is now moving
the goal posts ?
Because we can now use this data, are we now self destructing ?

> ...and I think
> the OSM community has the demonstrated capacity and capability to make
> its own decisions, rather than having to follow what the Australian
> government or any other government specifies.
It would be nice to think that, however I do not remember voting on
the licence issue, and I consider myself part of the OSM community. It
would appear to me that the OSM community has in fact not had a say,
or been able to make its own decisions, and is subject to some
faceless government / committee that is trying to change the licence.
The governing committee has only demonstrated that they are able to
destroy OSM, and now the community is making the decision to start
again under a new name.


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