On 11 July 2011 20:53, James Livingston <li...@sunsetutopia.com> wrote:
> On 11/07/2011, at 8:47 PM, John Smith wrote:
>> Then why was there such a big fuss made over Haiti edits should be PD
>> so that the UN could mix the data with other datasets...
> Because they were mixing the datasets. If you do something like render tiles 
> within the .au boundaries from one database, and render tiles from outside 
> the boundaries from a different dataset, then it's fine.
> Most useful things you can do with the data can be split up like this, 
> besides producing a combined database. Routing? There aren't any roads 
> between us and other countries, and so on. One of the advantages of being a 
> island :)

But will the ODBL actual make the situation better or worst? It seems
to make everything more complicated, not better.

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