On 02/12/2011, at 2:13 PM, Ben Kelley wrote:

> The content of these edits is in the public domain (I.e. the default 
> residential speed limit in Australia) and these edits could be "re-edited" by 
> an actual bot. Given that these edits are easy to identify, and the large 
> number of ways, this might be a useful exercise. It would give us a clearer 
> in terms of knowing which ways are really in need of re-mapping.
> Ben Kelley

Just be aware that some of these have been re-edited - I have corrected some of 
these maxspeeds when they were wrong, and where they were correct I have 
changed the source tag.

It might not be possible, but for my changesets where I have updated the source 
tag to "source:maxspeed=voice (or sign or survey)" (or "maxspeed:source="), can 
the maxspeed tag be reassigned to my changesets?

Mark P.

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