On 1/04/2012 10:08 AM, Steve Bennett wrote:
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Richard Colless<fire...@ar.com.au>  wrote:
I followed the discussion with much interest, and only decided not to accept
the new CT's when I observed the rudeness with which the objections were
handled. The recent spate of correspondence has done nothing to make me
Hi Richard,
   I think we can all agree that the communications skills of the OSMF,
and senior OSM people, leave much to be desired. Pretty much
everything about the licence changeover was crappy. But I think
declining the CTs is taking out your resentment on the wrong people.
By not allowing your contributions to be part of OSM, you mostly hurt
the people for whom we're all doing this: the wider open content
community, and all the individuals who will benefit in many different
ways from high quality, open maps.
I'm not taking out any resentment on anybody. I'm simply choosing not to participate. So don't say that I'm hurting anybody.. I'm quite happy for any of my data to remain. If someone else chooses to delete it, blame them for any hurt, not me.


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