On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Richard Colless <fire...@ar.com.au> wrote:

> I'm not taking out any resentment on anybody. I'm simply choosing not to
> participate. So don't say that I'm hurting anybody.. I'm quite happy for any
> of my data to remain. If someone else chooses to delete it, blame them for
> any hurt, not me.

I haven't heard from you regarding your API screen name or
registration email, so I can't provide any details about when LWG
attempted to contact you.  LWG attempted to contact every data
contributor.  Individual mappers have reached out to other local
mappers as well.

I can't guess why you didn't see an email but I'll look into it if
you'd like to find out.  Other mappers have run into the following:

- they don't check that email any more.
- their email changed but they didn't update the contact email at osm.org
- email was received and diverted by a spam filter
- perhaps others that I don't recall at the moment

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