Ok, I'll try to summarize and comment the feedback:

The ABS datasets are probably not first choice in terms of accuracy. In lack of a better alternative this would lead to the question whether to use what's available or leave the borders missing. I think this decision should be made by the Australian community.

By the way, I compared the datasets directly with what's in the map today. For existing borders of National Parks etc. they seem to be identical - this would at least give consistency.

Another point is to make sure not to delete manually surveyed data. This shouldn't be a problem as I would not delete anything at all. I'm not considering a bulk import but more a selective import to close the gaps.

The reason for using datasets from data.gov.au basically them being ODbL-compliant according to [1]. But this should also allow the use of the most recent dataset for the electoral boundaries [2].


[1] http://blog.osmfoundation.org/2011/09/24/odbl-data-gov-au-permission-granted/
[2] http://data.gov.au/638

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