Thanks Jason,
This is a great tool!
The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA
leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is
the difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working
with spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the
world - your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As
Andrew just pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I
will look into this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially
ACT to start with).
I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward <> wrote:

> Hi Kristy,
> Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this
> list.  To help you in your search the following link may prove useful
> (Suggest unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a
> closer measure of 'active' contributors)
> While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the
> whole of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with
> suitable licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the
> small contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the
> application of resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort
> of government advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being
> to build the local contributor base.
> To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of
> on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of
> government information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience,
> your time would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in
> other parts of the world (some good, others less so), as well as
> subscribing to the @imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into
> the workings OSM members apply to externally supplied information.
> Cheers,
> Jason
> M: 0438740049
> On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please
>> email me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts
>> on the current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the
>> government can assist in.
>> Cheers
>> Kristy Van Putten
>> 0414844825
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