On 8/12/2015 3:14 PM, Andrew Harvey wrote:

On 8 December 2015 at 04:54, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com <mailto:penor...@mac.com>> wrote:

    When we're talking about source tags, we should use whatever is
    useful for mappers. In theory source date tags can be useful, but
    in practice I've not seen them worth the bother.

Agreed. As a mapper something easy to type is ideal such as lpi_imagery, lpi_basemap, but I'm not overly fussed. I don't know how much I would use the Base map though since I generally favor on the ground verification. the Imagery will be very useful for more accurate tracing.

I have been surprised at how accurate the base map is in its location. The imagery would be usefull for building locations etc.

The base map has things like post offices, libraries, medical, RFS, parks, mountain tops, saddles, creeks, stations (homesteads, ranches) with their names. And property address numbers for adding the address information.

On the ground sourcing is a much much slower process ... and has 'us' with lots of blank information. The base map will be very usefull to me at least... to get information that is presently missing in OSM. Must be 1,000s of street names missing in Sydney alone.

I'm using JOSM .. and find a source tag can be nicely descriptive and used repetitively using a simple mouse click process once typed initially. You could also use a copy and paste system. I tend to use one source at at time so this works well for me.

Verification is a much quicker process - you spot what is wrong and only need to note that .. not every street name and its location.

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