The only person against having them in level 6 is you .
I and others see no reason why the wiki cannot be widened to include them.

On the tagging list I have been told it is ok to use the 'landuse' tag on water at sea .. just to give some comparison.

On 13-Jan-17 12:08 PM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
On 13/1/17 11:51, Andrew Harvey wrote:

I agree with this. The difference between unincorporated or not could be
added by a new tag to indicate

Or we could not break the model and use a different admin_level.

, could be determined from the name,

Thus requiring the data consumer to parse the name to determine if something is or isn't a local government area.

> or from
the operator tag which links to the legal entity.

I had a look at this. Of the 409,000 admin boundary relations in OSM there are 52 with an operator tag. After discounting the ones where people should have used the short_name tag and the ones where someone had put school districts in at admin_level 11, you are left with about 10. As far as I could tell by trying to search for these entities they are all examples of someone putting in things at the wrong admin_level or things that they wanted to appear on the map and then trying to fix that by putting an operator tag on.

The wiki just says LGA border (eg. Shire/Council) for level 6. If you're
worried we could just add eg. Shire/Council/Unincorporated).

It actually says:

"Local Government Authority Border (e.g Shire/Council)"

Unincorporated is not a "Local Government Authority"

Plus I think Local Government Areas are useful things to have in OSM, what admin_level do you suggest we set aside for them?

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