The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science which manages
have just completed the OSMF CC BY waiver allowing the PSMA Administrative
Boundaries[1] to be used within OpenStreetMap[2].

Quoting their email, "The Australian Government received great
encouragement from PSMA Australia Limited to make the AB [Administrative
Boundaries] data more accessible. Many thanks to OSM for your ongoing
global open data efforts."

Others more active in working with admin boundaries in OSM might be able to
comment further on my analysis, but I've taken a look at the current OSM
data from a planet extract[3], using osmium tool to extract administrative

    osmium tags-filter australia-latest.osm.pbf nwr/boundary=administrative
-o osm-admin-boundaries.osm.pbf

Then converted to GeoPackage to open in QGIS to compare to PSMA boundaries:

    ogr2ogr -f GPKG osm-admin-boundaries.gpkg osm-admin-boundaries.osm.pbf

The admin_level values for Australia are defined as[5]:

3 n/a
4 State or Territory
5 n/a (but used in Victoria for regions[6])
6 Local Government Area (eg Shire/Council)
7 District or Region (e.g Perthshire, Fitzroy, Canning, Greater Sydney,
Greater Melbourne, etc.)
8 Postcode
9 Suburb and Locality
10 Suburb and Locality

(not sure why the split across 9 and 10...? but it looks like no data for 9
and all suburb/localities are marked as 10, a seperate discussion but
perhaps they should be 9 and smaller neighbourhoods be in 10?)

PSMA Admin Boundaries provide (for Australia wide Shapefiles see [7] built
from [8])

Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
State Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
State Boundaries
Local Government Areas
Suburbs / Localities
Town Points

admin_level 6 LGAs
It looks like NSW, VIC have complete LGA coverage already aside a few minor
differences, but NT is patchy and TAS, QLD, WA are almost non-existent (ACT
doesn't really have LGAs it's all managed by the Territory). SA is missing
a few LGAs which exist in the PSMA data.

admin_level 7 is a mixed bag, but the PSMA data won't help here

NSW, VIC, SA all have pretty much complete data in OSM but there are a
number of differences with the PSMA data which should warrent investigation
and correction.

ACT I think has good existing data (in the PSMA data in suburb/localities
there are both levels, eg. Canberra Centre and Parkes), but the districts
have a slightly different name format.

All other states are empty in OSM.

Keeping in mind that we have state data for admin boundaries in VIC
(VicMap), NSW (Spatial Services), ACT (ACTmapi) and SA (

So there does appear to be a lot of data missing in OSM, which licensing
wise we could bring in to OSM. So I guess the question is should we and how
should we do that. Is anyone interested in working on this? If people are,
I think it should go through the proper import process (discuss first,
identify the process and then execute).

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