On 31/8/18 16:23, Andrew Harvey wrote:
(not sure why the split across 9 and 10...? but it looks like no data for 9
and all suburb/localities are marked as 10, a separate discussion but
perhaps they should be 9 and smaller neighbourhoods be in 10?)

Level 9 appears to have been intended for non-ABS derived suburbs and level 10 for ABS. What's happened is 10 has been used for suburbs.

Do we have any data for bounded localities smaller than suburbs? I don't know of any jurisdiction that defines sub-suburb areas, so I don't see the point of moving away from 10.

Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
State Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
State Boundaries


admin_level 6 LGAs
It looks like NSW, VIC have complete LGA coverage already aside a few minor
differences, but NT is patchy and TAS, QLD, WA are almost non-existent (ACT
doesn't really have LGAs it's all managed by the Territory).

Given that we have previously only had data for SA/Vic/NSW any other data would have come from sources we were not allowed to use.

admin_level 7 is a mixed bag, but the PSMA data won't help here

That's more a problem with the rather vague definition of what level 7 is supposed to be.

NSW, VIC, SA all have pretty much complete data in OSM but there are a
number of differences with the PSMA data which should warrant investigation
and correction.

That's a bit of understatement for Vic. I checked the Vicmap suburbs with what's in OSM and it's not good. Currently we have ~1600 suburbs in OSM but there are ~3000 suburbs in Vicmaps/PSMA. It would appear that somewhere between ABS2011 and ABS2016 the number of Victorian suburbs almost doubled.

So I guess the question is should we

I know that some people don't like having the admin boundaries in OSM. I find that having the suburb/locality boundaries is useful (downloading data by area and geo-referencing in Nominatim). The LGA boundaries less so as most people don't really think very much about their local council and it's odd to see it appear in an address for example. But that said if you do the suburbs you might as well do the LGAs.

how should we do that.


Is anyone interested in working on this?

I am.

If people are, I think it should go through the proper import process (discuss 
identify the process and then execute).

You're preaching to the choir here. Amen to that.

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